Professional Counselling Referrals
We work with many healthcare professionals and organisations across Basingstoke and the wider community to help provide mental health support.
While people can choose to refer themselves to our counselling service it can also be a brave step for many – and having someone else in your corner to make that first step can prove invaluable.
If you are a healthcare professional, or you work for an organisation or service, and have individuals who would benefit from our counselling services then you can refer them to us and we will get in touch with them.
If you are an individual looking for counselling for yourself, please head over to our individual counselling page to read the information and complete your application form. The form below is for professional counselling referrals only.
How it works
It’s important that you gain the permission of the person you are looking to refer and explain to them that we are not an NHS service, so there are costs associated with our counselling sessions.
For more information on these costs please take a look at our counselling fees.
Once you’ve done this then please complete our online referral form.
When we receive your form, we will be in touch with your patient or service user within 2 working days.
If you have any questions about suitability or concerns about your patient or service user, then get in touch with us on 01256 843125 or email
You can find more information about our counselling services and what to expect on our counselling pages and if they have access to the internet or a smart phone, you can encourage your patient or service user to visit us on Instagram to get a feel for us and how we work.
Please note that we are not an emergency or out of hours service so if you have urgent concerns please contact NHS 111 or the Samaritans 116 123